Proud to Announce Support from the Toyota Mobility Foundation!

AMGlobal Consulting is proud to announce support from the Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF) for AMG’s Agromovil project.
Agromovil is designed to address one of the greatest challenges and opportunities in the world today: the handling of the 30-50% of crops across the developing world that are harvested, but never reach consumers. A simple-to-use, app-based platform that combines three proven technologies – ride-hailing, mobile banking, and microinsurance – Agromovil helps get more produce to market sooner, capturing more value for small farmers, transporters, and consumers.
“The weak link is logistics: getting goods from small rural farmers to urban markets. And the lost value is substantial – over $150 billion each year,” noted AMGlobal Principal Andrew Mack.
Support for Agromovil is part of the Toyota Mobility Foundation’s vision for the future of mobility – to create a truly mobile society that will help people live better lives no matter where they are.
“The Toyota Mobility Foundation sees an opportunity to adapt existing technology and utilize AMGlobal’s on-the-ground knowledge in an innovative way. We’re excited to see the Agromovil approach address an over-whelming socio-economic and environmental problem in Colombia, which potentially could scale to help other markets with similar issues around the world,” says TMF’s Senior Research & Innovation Manager, William Chernicoff.
TMF funding will support research and development of the Agromovil technology platform, as well as field testing scheduled for late 2017/early 2018 in Colombia.