57th ICANN Meeting in Hyderabad, India

November 2-7 AMGlobal’s Andrew Mack was invited to speak at the 57th ICANN meeting held in Hyderabad, India. Mack presented on a series of panels for an international audience of internet leaders, discussing AMGlobal research for ICANN that examined the experience of the new top level domains process in the global south – and specifically why there were so few applicants for new extensions from Latin America, Africa, Asia and other emerging regions. The findings, developed through research and extensive interviews by a worldwide AMG team (which included Brazilian Network Partner Vanda Scartezini of Polo Consultores), offered a series of recommendations for ICANN and the ICANN community around improving outreach, helping develop business plans and other positive actions that could be taken to help provide opportunity in any future new gTLD rounds. As part of the meeting, Mack also received recognition for his service to the ICANN Business Constituency and his outreach efforts in Africa from Business Constituency Board Member and AfICTA president Jimson Olufuye.