Eric Osiakwan
Angel Investor and developer of new businesses with 15 years’ experience spanning thirty two countries in Africa gained through a number of successful tech start-ups and organisations.
His expertise and experience include innovation, writing, strategy, ideas, teams, startups, networks, policy, management and fundraising. Eric was part of the team that built the TEAMS submarine cable in East Africa and a Consultant to the World Bank, Soros Foundations, UNDP, USAID, USDoJ, and USDoS.
Eric also authored "The KINGS of Africa Digital Economy", co-authored the “Open Access Model”, “Negotiating the Net” – the politics of Internet Diffusion in Africa and “The Internet in Ghana” with the Mosaic Group.
He is a fellow of TED Global, Poptech, University of Maryland and Stanford University as well as an affiliate of Media Lab, MIT, and visiting fellow at the Berkman Center, Harvard University.