Andres Varona
Andrés Varona is a Consultant leading new initiatives that focus on developing successful – and sustainable – strategies for new market entry and building new business models. He also conducts comprehensive market entry evaluations and outreach/branding strategy for AMGlobal’s various corporate, governmental and NGO clients.
Prior to joining AMGlobal, Andrés led a variety of programs in government, heading up educational programs at the Smithsonian Institution as well as implementing key community and environmental initiatives for the U.S Department of the Interior. His experience also includes work with a wide range of international non-profits and regional business organizations in the U.S and abroad. He has worked for years on issues of community development and corporate social engagement in Latin America, including Brazil, where he conducted extensive field research on ecotourism and conservation-oriented development.
A native of Colombia, Andrés is fluent in Spanish, and has a professional proficiency in Italian and Portuguese. He is a dual graduate of International Affairs and Latin American Studies at The George Washington University, where he has received multiple honorary grants for his academic work. In his free time, Andres loves to go backpacking across Latin America.
email: avarona@amglobal.com